Casey comes back from brushing her teeth in the Houston airport bathroom; she packed a toothbrush and toothpaste in her carryon (I'm kinda jealous). She reaches into her bag and pulls out one of many tiny little lotion container things. She puts it on, puts her hands in my face and says ...
"That's gross".
"It's chocolate-banana".
"Why would you put that on your hands"?
"Maybe it's chocolate-strawberry. It's lotion".
"I know it's lotion".
"We'll, then I just won't stick my hands in your face anymore".
Anyhow, as i mentioned earlier, we are stuck in the Houston airport with about an hour left before we head to Newark. Once there, we get to sleep in the airport and catch a 0500 flight for the Dominican Republic. At least the flight is only about four hours and I'm hoping I'll get upgraded!!
The theme
The intent of this post is to highlight the different ways we travel via planes and airports.
We left yesterday (last night?). Caught a cab from the apartment. I figured I'd have a few drinks since I wasn't driving. And some snacks. 3 generous glasses of Black Box and some tasty avocado dip with some potato chips. Casey had some water, a salad, and some fried bananas (super tasty, actually). Cab showed up a few minutes early. It was an uneventful ride.
We showed up early, intending to get me upgraded due to Casey's 'black diamond platinum gold' status with United. Sadly, it didn't work. Casey got first class all the way to Houston though...:/. We spent our remaining several hours at a bar. I had two double rum and cokes with a burger&fries. Casey had some more water.
I waved a bittersweet farewell once we boarded and Casey watched me get sucked into the bowels of the plane (kinda like a reverse fart). Fortunately, she didn't sleep much better than I did. We landed in Seattle and basically walked off our plane straight on to the next one three gates away...barring the bottle of water I needed to deal with the hangover-induced dry mouth. Again, I waved goodbye to Casey (she didn't even look back this time) and shuffled off into the dark. She slept super well this time; I didn't.
Oh well. We got to Houston with nary a problem. We were both starving (despite the fact that Casey ate an entire package of freeze dried pears and half a package of vegetables). We did find a decent looking restaurant. I had a greasy pork burrito and she guessed it, a salad.
Currently we're both eating dehydrated kiwis and mangos...that we made. The kiwis taste kinda like candy...that's why i like em.
The Bottom Line
Casey has a silly obsession with 'healthy' food. I leave you to your own conclusions.
Next stop - THE BEACH!!!!! And all the free drinks I can drink!!!!!!
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